Arrived at Salem, October 12, 1841, ship Caroline Augusta, Andrew M. Putnam of Dan vers, Pangah, Sumatra, August 17, with pepper to David Pingree. Captain Putnam was obliged to leave the coast of Sumatra without completing his cargo, on account of sickness, and go to Mauritius for a new crew. Nehemiah Roberts, mate, Joseph R. Winn, son of John Winn, Jr., clerk, Samuel Melcher, Thomas Frazier, Charles Fisher and George Peddie, all young men, died of a fever, and Joshua Prentiss and Joseph Lawrence of Salem, and W. G. Lyman were left at Mauritius sick. At the Isle of France, June 21, Captain Putnam shipped Samuel Bullock, mate, and six seamen, formerly of the ship Republic, of Newburyport, which was burned at that island, in the places of his own seamen. On October 2 and 3, in a severe gale on Georges, the Caroline Augusta lost and split sails and the quarter boat was stove. October 9, she fell in with the schooner Pembroke, Rice, from Eastport for Georgetown, D. C, in a sinking condition, and took off her crew by throwing ropes to them, having lost their small boat, and the sea running very high. Five were rescued, but the mate, William Stockton, was washed overboard October 4. Passengers in the Caroline Augusta were Samuel F. Morse, supercargo of ship Republic; Captain Frederick Peabody, late of whaling barque Pembroke, of New London, Conn.; E. D. Fogg, late clerk of barque Madagascar, and Lieutenant R. A. Jones and three disabled seamen of the United States ship Constellation. The Caroline Augusta sailed on her return to Sumatra November 23, 1841
[Abigail, w. John. NR9], Mrs., family of James, consumption, Aug. 13, 1839, a. 31 y.
Charles, seaman on the ship Caroline Augusta, off the coast of Sumatra. Issue of Oct. 15, 1841. NR9
Elizabeth Crowninshield, d. Rev. Nathaniel, bur. Mar. 19, 1806. CR11
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E.D. [Elizabeth Dwight. NR9], d. Theodore, quincy, June 16, 1819, a. 3 y.
Emma A[deline. GR8], b. Lowell, d. Moses B. and Persis A., dysentery, Aug. 20, 1849, a. 5 y. [a. 7 y. GR8]
Hannah, wid. James, d. John and Hannah Wells, consumption, Aug. 5, 1846, a. 76 y. [a. 74 y. CR5]
James [a Revolutionary soldier. NR9], b. VA, h. Hannah (Wells), lung fever, Apr. 7, 1846, a. 85 y.
James A., mate of the schooner Hermon, at sea, Nov. 4, 1805. NR9
John, on board the ship Exeter, "after leaving the Straits," Apr. 2, 1816, a. 18 y. NR9
John F., at sea, ––– ––, 1825, a. 21 y.
Joseph [s. John. NR9], lung fever, Dec. 8, 1820, a. 4 y.
Joseph, a native of England, bur. Aug. ––, 1829, a. abt. 60 y. CR11
Joshua, Dr., old age, Mar. 14, 1833, a. 84 y. CR1
Lewis, suicide, at Lynnfield, Oct. 20, 1810. NR9
Mary, w. John F., d. John McMellon, consumption, Oct. 29, 1846, a. 69 y.
Moses, s. Moses B. and Persis A., infantile, Nov. 17, 1846, a. 8 d.
Nathaniel, oldest s. Rev. Nathaniel, bur. June 5, 1810. CR11
Nathaniel, Rev., suddenly, Dec. 20, 1812. CR11 [a. 70 y. NR9]
Nathaniel, seaman of the Sumatra, lost overboard, at Manilla, Mar. 20, 1831. NR9
S.W., s. I. and A., Oct. 31, 1774, a. 19 m. GR13
Theodore [s. Rev. –––––. NR9], intemperance, June 23, 1819, a. 35 y. [a. 30 y. NR9]
–––––, Mr., bur. Oct. 6, 1805. PR79
–––––, ch. James, scalded, Feb. 28, 1806, a. 3 y. NR9
–––––, Rev., angina pectoris, suddenly, Dec. 20, 1811, a. 70 y. CR1
–––––, s. Richard, whooping cough, Feb. ––, 1828, a. 3 y.See More - PJ Peddie PEDDIE George, seaman on the ship Caroline Augusta, off the coast of Sumatra. Issue of Oct. 15, 1841. NR9
- Charles, seaman on the ship Caroline Augusta, off the coast of Sumatra. Issue of Oct. 15, 1841. NR9
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