of 4072 |
Descendants of John Pettey of Springfield, Massachusetts:
1 John Pettey 1635 - 1679/80
.. +Ann Canning 1640 - 1688
.......... 2
.............. +Mary Lawton 1662 - 1713 ...................... 3 John Pettey 1683/84 - 1756 .......................... +Hannah Closson 1689/90 - 1714/15 .................................. 4 Nathan Pettey 1711/12 - 1809 ...................................... +Hannah ? 1712 - .................................. *2nd Wife of Nathan Pettey: ...................................... +Mary Gifford 1724 - 1802 .............................................. 5 Patience Pettey 1744 - .................................................. +Jared Sherman 1744 - .............................................. 5 Phebe Pettey 1747 - 1802 .................................................. +John Craw 1747 - 1772 .............................................. *2nd Husband of Phebe Pettey: .................................................. +Daniel Peabody 1734/35 - .............................................. 5 George Pettey 1749 - 1802 .................................................. +Hannah Booth 1749 - .............................................. 5 Daniel Pettey 1752 - 1799 .................................................. +Sarah Closson 1755 - 1803 .............................................. 5 Isaac Pettey 1755 - 1822 .................................................. +Susannah Potter 1755 - .............................................. 5 Joshua Pettey 1757 - 1845 .................................................. +Rose Potter 1757 - .............................................. 5 John Pettey 1761 - 1702 .............................................. 5 Charles Pettey 1765 - 1802 .................................................. +Freelove Simmons 1765 - .............................................. 5 Bathsheba Pettey 1767 - 1802 .................................................. +? Sanford 1767 - .................................. 4 Hannah Pettey 1713 - ...................................... +Roger Kealey 1713 - .............................................. 5 William Kealey 1738 - .................................. 4 Martha Pettey 1714/15 - ...................................... +William Thrasher 1715 - .................................. 4 John Pettey 1717 - 1772 ...................................... +Sarah Cummings 1717 - 1788 .............................................. 5 John Pettey 1740 - .................................................. +Abigail Valentine 1740 - .............................................. *2nd Wife of John Pettey: .................................................. +Lydia ? 1740 - .............................................. 5 Sarah Pettey 1745 - 1825 .................................................. +Noah Hawkins 1745 - 1825 .............................................. 5 Nathan Pettey 1750 - 1787 .................................................. +Abigail Gilchrist 1755 - 1822 .............................................. 5 Ezekial Pettey 1754 - 1837 .................................................. +Anne Hicks 1758 - 1808 .............................................. *2nd Wife of Ezekial Pettey: .................................................. +Rebecca Brown 1762 - ...................... 3 Mary Pettey 1686 - ...................... 3 James Pettey 1688 - 1764 .......................... +Tabitha Chase 1698 - 1737 .................................. 4 Benjamin Pettey 1724 - ...................................... +Sarah Foster 1724 - .............................................. 5 Peleg Pettey 1750 - .............................................. 5 Lydia Pettey 1753 - .................................................. +Nathan Tripp 1756 - 1827 .............................................. 5 James Pettey 1755 - .............................................. 5 Elizabeth Pettey 1757 - .............................................. 5 Benjamin Pettey 1759 - .................................. 4 Abraham Pettey 1726 - ...................................... +Susannah Beden 1722 - .............................................. 5 David Pettey 1750 - .................................................. +Mary Bedon 1755 - .............................................. *2nd Wife of David Pettey: .................................................. +Jemimah Bedon 1760 - .............................................. 5 Simson Pettey 1752 - .................................................. +Lydia Hammond 1752 - .............................................. 5 William Pettey 1754 - .................................................. +Lois ? 1754 - .................................. 4 Joseph Pettey 1728 - 1770 ...................................... +Alice Butterworth 1738 - .................................. 4 Nicholas Pettey 1730 - 1768 ...................................... +Rebecca Joslin 1740 - .................................. 4 Tabitha Pettey 1739 - ...................................... +Reuben Sherman 1736 - .............................................. 5 Reuben Sherman 1766 - .................................................. +Charity Mosher 1766 - ...................... 3 William Pettey 1691 - 1747 .......................... +Mary ? 1692 - 1748 .................................. 4 Nathaniel Pettey 1714 - 1752 ...................................... +Mary Aylsworth 1714 - .............................................. 5 Robert Pettey 1738/39 - .............................................. 5 Elizabeth Pettey 1741 - .............................................. 5 Nathaniel Pettey 1742/43 - .............................................. 5 Ephraim Pettey 1745 - .................................. 4 Susannah Pettey 1716 - ...................................... +John Fordice 1716 - 1746 .................................. *2nd Husband of Susannah Pettey: ...................................... +James Lewis 1716 - .................................. 4 Alice Pettey 1718 - ...................................... +Ephraim Aylsworth 1718 - .................................. 4 Ephraim Pettey 1719 - 1744 .................................. 4 William Pettey 1722 - 1794 ...................................... +Dorcas Braman 1725 - .................................. *2nd Wife of William Pettey: ...................................... +Mary Kenyon 1721 - 1775 .............................................. 5 Sarah Pettey 1745/46 - 1828 .................................................. +Joshua Carr 1748 - .............................................. 5 Alice Pettey 1749 - .............................................. 5 Stephen Pettey 1751 - .................................................. +Amy Button 1760 - .............................................. 5 Mercy Pettey 1753 - .............................................. 5 Joseph Pettey 1759 - 1799 .................................................. +Mary Chapman 1758 - 1820 .............................................. 5 Hannah Pettey 1761 - 1782 .............................................. 5 Mary Pettey 1763 - 1763 .............................................. 5 Lusinah Pettey 1765 - .................................. *3rd Wife of William Pettey: ...................................... +Thankful Colegrave 1730 - 1780 .................................. *4th Wife of William Pettey: ...................................... +Mary Johnson 1735 - 1788 .............................................. 5 John Worden Eabs Pettey 1781 - .................................. 4 Joseph Pettey 1724 - ...................................... +Elizabeth Worden 1721 - 1750 .............................................. 5 Joseph Pettey 1738 - 1738 .............................................. 5 Joseph Pettey 1740 - .............................................. 5 Benjamin Pettey 1742 - .................................................. +Marget Clapp 1750 - 1798 .............................................. 5 Elizabeth Pettey 1744/45 - .............................................. 5 Abigail Pettey 1746 - .............................................. 5 Tamer Pettey 1750 - .................................. 4 Charles Pettey 1727 - ...................................... +Martha Rogers 1727 - .................................. 4 John Pettey 1729 - ...................................... +Rachel (Pettey) 1729 - .............................................. 5 Rachel Pettey 1745/46 - .............................................. 5 John Pettey 1748/49 - 1764 .................................. 4 Mary Pettey 1731/32 - ...................................... +Benjamin Gifford 1732 - 1759 .................................. *2nd Husband of Mary Pettey: ...................................... +William Douglas 1732 - .................................. 4 David Pettey 1735 - 1774 ...................................... +Mary Colegrave 1735 - .................................. 4 James Pettey 1737 - ...................................... +Elizabeth ? 1737 - ...................... 3 Anna Pettey 1694 - .......................... +William Orvis 1694 - ...................... 3 Sarah Pettey 1699 - .......................... +Joshua Cowing 1702 - .................................. 4 [2] Zenas Cowen 1732 - ...................................... +[1] Mary Pettey 1732 - ...................... 3 Content Pettey 1703/04 - ...................... 3 Ebenezer Pettey 1706 - 1791 .......................... +Patience Chase 1709 - .................................. 4 [1] Mary Pettey 1732 - ...................................... +[2] Zenas Cowen 1732 - .................................. 4 Patience Pettey 1738 - .......... 2 John Pettey 1666 - 1723/24 .............. +Mary Taylor 1671 - ...................... 3 Mary Pettey 1695 - .......................... +Robert Emmons 1695 - ...................... 3 John Pettey 1701 - 1748 .......................... +Margaret Alexander 1701 - .................................. 4 John Petty 1735 - 1810 .............................................. 5 Solomon Petty 1762 - .................................................. +Elizabeth Earl 1762 - .............................................. 5 John Petty 1778 - 1858 .................................................. +Diadama ? 1778 - .............................................. *2nd Wife of John Petty: .................................................. +Perlina ? 1778 - .............................................. *3rd Wife of John Petty: .................................................. +Jerusha ? 1778 - .............................................. 5 Elisha Petty 1780 - .................................................. +Polly Curtis 1786 - 1864 .................................. 4 Margaret Petty 1737 - .................................. 4 Aaron Petty 1738/39 - 1788 ...................................... +Abigail ? 1742 - 1777 .............................................. 5 Asenath Petty 1764 - 1848 .................................................. +John Lovejoy 1764 - .............................................. *2nd Husband of Asenath Petty: .................................................. +Asahel Goodell 1764 - .............................................. 5 Margaret Petty 1770 - .................................................. +Buxton Burton 1770 - .............................................. 5 Aaron Petty 1774 - 1803 .................................. 4 Rachel Petty 1742 - .................................. 4 Elizabeth Petty 1744 - ...................... 3 Joseph Pettey 1704 - 1710 ...................... 3 Ebenezer Petty 1707 - 1753 .......................... +Rebecca Worner 1702 - 1787 .................................. 4 Ebenezer Petty 1727 - ...................................... +Hannah (Pettey) 1728 - 1775 .............................................. 5 Ebenezer Pettey 1748 - .............................................. 5 Mary Pettey 1752 - .................................................. +Amos Morse 1753 - .............................................. 5 David Pettey 1754 - .............................................. 5 Abial Pettey 1757 - .............................................. 5 Oliver Pettey 1760 - .............................................. 5 Timothy Pettey 1763 - .................................. 4 Joseph Petty 1729 - 1756 ...................................... +Dorcas Rose 1731 - .............................................. 5 Dorcas Petty 1752 - .................................................. +Asahel Ripley 1752 - .............................................. 5 Hannah Petty 1754 - .............................................. 5 Ebenezer Petty 1756 - .................................................. +Eunice ? 1756 - .................................. 4 Sarah Petty 1731 - 1806 ...................................... +William Field 1744 - 1813 .............................................. 5 Nabby Field 1774 - 1775 .............................................. 5 Ebenezer Field 1776 - 1858 .............................................. 5 Sally Field 1778 - 1807 .............................................. 5 Nabby Field 1779 - 1785 .............................................. 5 William Field 1780 - 1849 .................................................. +Mary Woodward 1780 - .................................. 4 Submit Petty 1738 - ...................................... +Daniel Gunn 1738 - .................................. 4 Rebecca Petty 1745 - 1788 ...................... 3 Abigail Pettey 1713 - 1792 .......................... +Pedijah Field 1706/07 - 1798 .......... 2 Hannah Pettey 1667 - 1667/68 .......... 2 Mary Pettey 1670 - 1716 .............. +Thomas Taylor 1660 - 1691 ...................... 3 Hannah Taylor 1690 - .......... *2nd Husband of Mary Pettey: .............. +Thomas Rich 1670 - 1702 ...................... 3 Thomas Rich 1697 - .......................... +Ruth Nichols 1697 - 1741 ...................... *2nd Wife of Thomas Rich: .......................... +Hulda Wheelock 1697 - ...................... 3 John Rich 1699 - .......................... +Sarah Walker 1699 - ...................... 3 Ebenezer Rich 1700 - ...................... 3 Experience Rich 1702 - .......................... +Hannah Godd 1702 - .......... *3rd Husband of Mary Pettey: .............. +Joseph Jennings 1682 - 1751 ...................... 3 Joseph Jennings 1704 - ...................... 3 Mary Jennings 1707 - ...................... 3 Hannah Jennings 1709 - 1715/16 ...................... 3 Anna Jennings 1711 - ...................... 3 Martha Jennings 1715/16 - .......... 2 Joseph Petty 1672 - 1746 .............. +Elizabeth Edwards 1672 - 1701/02 ...................... 3 Elizabeth Petty 1701/02 - 1733 .......... *2nd Wife of Joseph Petty: .............. +Sarah Edwards 1673 - 1754 ...................... 3 Sarah Petty 1707 - .......................... +Asahel Stebbins 1701 - 1729/30 .................................. 4 Asahel Stebbins 1728 - 1758 ...................................... +Lydia Harwood 1728 - .................................. 4 Thomas Stebbins 1729/30 - ...................................... +Anna Chamberlain 1728 - ...................... *2nd Husband of Sarah Petty: .......................... +Samuel Burr 1707 - ...................... 3 Joseph Petty 1710 - 1748 .......................... +Hannah Moore 1710 - 1751 .................................. 4 Reuben Petty 1733 - 1734 .................................. 4 Hannah Petty 1734 - ...................................... +Michael Lovell 1734 - .................................. 4 Elizabeth Petty 1736 - 1737 .................................. 4 Reuben Petty 1738 - ...................................... +Lydia Field 1738 - .............................................. 5 Piana Petty 1762 - 1880 .................................................. +Walter Field 1738 - .............................................. 5 Lydia Petty 1763 - .................................................. +James Kirby 1763 - .............................................. 5 Joseph Petty 1765 - .............................................. 5 Hannah Petty 1766 - .............................................. 5 Onde Petty 1768 - .............................................. 5 Lucy Petty 1770 - .............................................. 5 Reuben Petty 1772 - .................................. 4 Joseph Petty 1740 - 1760 .................................. 4 Elizabeth Petty 1742 - .......... 2 Anna Pettey 1675 - 1691 .......... 2 Son Pettey 1677 - 1677 .......... 2 Ebenezer Pettey 1678 - ...................... 3 Samuel Pettey 1704 - .......................... +Elizabeth (Pettey) 1704 - .................................. 4 William Pettey 1725 - ...................................... +Rebecca (Pettey) 1725 - .............................................. 5 Sarah Pettey 1754 - .............................................. 5 Miriam Pettey 1756 - 1762 .................................. 4 Miriam Pettey 1726 - 1726 .................................. 4 Benjamin Pettey 1726/27 - .................................. 4 Hannah Pettey 1728/29 - .................................. 4 Simon Pettey 1731 - .................................. 4 Sarah Pettey 1734 - .................................. 4 Samuel Pettey 1736 - .................................. 4 Elizabeth Pettey 1738 - .................................. 4 Thomas Pettey 1740 - ...................................... +Anna Foster 1744 - .............................................. 5 Betsey Pettey 1774 - .................................. 4 Mary Pettey 1742 - .................................. 4 Stephen Pettey 1744/45 - .................................. 4 Sarah Pettey 1746/47 - .................................. 4 Simon Pettey 1748/49 - ...................................... +Elisabeth Little 1753 -Lewis Vance Jorgenson Roanoke, Va |
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